Thursday, January 8, 2009

"I think you have a bit of dental anxiety"

Thank you dr. habaneras or whatever your name is. My mother's saying, mirror mirror the wall, i am my mother after all. I now have adopted her hatred for the dentist. After all the dental work i've had over my 21 years, this is maybe the second worst experience ever. A simple cavity filling and i FREAK OUT! Poor dentist, it was our first meeting. I guess that's what he gets for drugging me up and leaving me in a room alone for what seemed like an hour. For absolutely no reason in the middle of him drilling into my tooth, tears stream down my face. It didn't even hurt. His response, " i think you may have a bit of dental anxiety". Well thank you sir, you know nothing about me with the exception that i have a cavity in the number 10 tooth on my left side. I'm pretty sure my mother and sister can back me up on the fact that i would be the least likely to have 'dental anxiety'. With two sets of braces and a year long acquaintance of head-gear, i'm pretty sure it was a personal fear, not occupational. Don't even get my started on his snotty, incompassionate dental assistant. Oh well, it's all over for now. Lucky me, he thinks i have a few fillings that need to be replaced. I've already warned him that nitrous oxide will be mandatory the next time. Although i'm now seen as a big baby, and have been dutily made fun of, at least i have pretty clean and cavity free teeth, for now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I've been sucked into the blog world

So i guess i'm blogging? Never would have thought i would be sucked into anything, but then again i am addicted to general hospital. After FINALLY looking at my family members' blogs, i assume since i am the youngest i should be the most up to date on the "cool techno" things in the world. So to my mom and sister, this is for you.